Welcome to DF Nusantara Spa & Salon
Take yourself to our world of splendorous sanctuary as you indulge yourself in our truly Southeast Asia ultimate spa experience located in Sungai Buloh, Selangor, MALAYSIA.
At DF Nusantara Spa & Salon, we pamper you from head to toe with traditional treatments made from natural ingredients enriched with indigenous flowers and herbs.
The history of Malay (particularly Malay Malaysian) beauty treatments are handed down from one generation to the other and hardly translated into commercial purposes. Needlessly to say, the Southeast Asia Malay beauty & traditional health care are rich with their supreme values, but they often get ignored due to the meticulous preparations.
Worry not, we are committed to take care all of the hassles and ensure you of the most memorable Malay way and its tradition through our spa products and services.
Well... What are you waiting for? Pamper yourself at our splendorous sanctuary, let your body and mind drift to the heavenly feelings!
To avoid madness rush , you may contact me, the spa owner directly at 012-2300160 or send your general enquiries to us at df_nusantara_spa@yahoo.com.
Reservation is preferrable.
Address: No 8F, Jalan Bidara 8, SU Mall, Saujana Utama, Sg. Buloh, 47000, Selangor.
Tel: 03-60388208 /012-2300160
Below are the list of services rendered;
Facial Treatment (Rawatan Muka)
• Normal RM35.00
Special Package : 5x Treatments (Validity:Within 3 months)
Regular price: RM175.00
(Member : RM150 Non: RM160)
• Normal Facial + Resdung (Sinus treatment) RM50.00
Special Package : 5x Treatments (Validity:Within 3 months)
Regular price : RM250.00
(Member : RM210 Non: RM230)
Facial Treatment RM50.00
• Collagen Facial Treatment RM60.00
Special Package : 5x Treatments (Validity:Within 3 months)
Regular price : RM325.00
(Member: RM275 Non: RM375)
Special Package : 5x Treatments (Validity:Within 3 months)
Regular Price : RM300.00
(Member: RM255 Non: RM300)
• Acne Pimple Treatment RM60.00
Special Package : 5x Treatments (Validity within 3 months)
Regular price : RM250.00
(Member: RM210 Non: RM300)
• Open Pores Treatment + Vit C Ampoule RM60.00
• Pigmentation Treatment + Vit C Ampoule RM60.00
• Face Firming Treatment RM80.00
• 24K Gold Firming + Wrinkles Treatment RM90.00
- ***NEW**** 24K Gold Premium Facial RM130.00
• Collagen + Resdung (Sinus) Facial Treatment RM70.00
• Resdung (Sinus) Herbal Treatment + Masker Resdung (Sinus) RM30.00
• 24K Gold Eye Treatment RM30.00
• Collagen Eye Treatment (Dark circle/ Eye bag/ wrinkle) RM25.00
- ***NEW*** Ear CAndling RM30.00
Body Treatment (Rawatan Badan)
• Lulur Exclusive DF Nusantara spa (Malay Traditional) RM45.00
Special Package : 5x Treatments
Regular price: RM200.00 +-
(Member: RM170 Non: RM185)
• Lulur Garam (Salt Scrub) RM45.00
• Lulur Buah Betik / Halia (Papaya / Ginger Scrub) RM45.00
• Masker Kopi (Coffee Mask) RM30.00
• Masker Honey (Honey Mask) RM30.00
• Masker Rempah (Herbal Mask) RM30.00
• Mandi Bunga & Aura Seri Exclusive DF Nusantara spa (Flower Bath) * RM80.00
• Mandi Garam (Salt Bath) RM50.00
• Mandi Susu + fresh roses (Milk Bath) RM55.00
• Mandi Rempah (Herbal Bath) RM50.00
~ Free Jacuzzi for all kind of Baths / Mandian ~ 10 min.
Special Package: 5x Treatments
Regular price: RM225.00+-
(Member: RM190 Non: RM210)
• Jakuzi (Jacuzzi) RM30.00
• Sauna Infrared (Infrared Sauna) RM50.00
• 'Bertangas' Exclusive DF Nusantara spa (Malay Tradisonal) RM35.00
(...is the traditional way to cleanse the "woman's secret area" and to thighten -up the
vagina muscle esp. after the birth...but many people use this treatment even after
the menstrual period..)
Body Massage (Urutan Badan)
• Full Body Massage Tradisional / Aromatheraphy* RM65.00
• Head Massage (Free Face Massage) RM28.00
• Face & Neck Massage RM28.00
• Neck, Shoulder & Back Massage RM35.00
• Post Natal Massage with ‘Sengkak’ RM60.00
Foot & Nail Treatment (Rawatan Kaki & Tangan)
• Manicure RM20.00
• Pedicure RM25.00
• Manicure & Pedicure RM40.00
• Urutan Tangan (SPA) & Manicure RM45.00
• Urutan Kaki (Foot Care/SPA) & Pedicure RM60.00
Hair Style (Dandanan Rambut)
• Wash & Blow RM12++
• Blow RM8++
• Minor Cut,Wash&Blow RM15++
• Hair Treatment RM25++
• Colouring RM40++
• Rebonding RM80++
• Highlite RM35++
• Henna RM25++
• Iron RM12++
• Eyebrow Trimming RM7.00 ++
Cream Bath Treatment RM80.00
DF Nusantara Spa Packages
- Package A (Sentuhan Kalbu)
- 2.5 hrs
Single Treatment: RM90.00
Special Package : 5 x RM400.00 & 10x RM700.00
+ Herbal Drink
+ Infra-red Sauna
+ Body Massage.
+ Hair Wash & Blow
- Package B (Tradisi Nusantara)
- 2.5 hrs
- Single Treatment : RM130.00
Special Package : 5x RM700.00 & 10x RM1100.00
+ Herbal drink
+ Infra-Red Sauna
+ DF Nusantara Body Scrub Spa
+ Herbal Bath Spa
+ 'Bertangas'
+ Jacuzzi
+ Body lotion.
- Package c (Sehalus Mulus Salju)
- 3 hrs
- Single Treatment : RM260.00
Special Package : 5x RM1150.00 & 10x RM2200.00
+ Herbal drink
+ Infra-red Sauna
+ Body Scrub Spa
+ Body Bleaching Spa
+ Milk Bath (Mandian Susu)
+ Jacuzzi (Jakuzi)
+ Whitening Body Lotion
- Package D (Pukauan Puteri Bidadari)
- 7 hrs
- Single Treatment : RM350.00
Special Package : 5X RM1500.00
+ Body Massage
+ Infra-red Sauna
+ Lulur DF Nusantara Spa
+ Milk Bath
+ Jacuzzi
+ Milk Whitening Lotion
+ Hair Treatment
+ Facial Collagen + Collagen Mask
+ Foot Spa & Manicure
- Package E (Belaian Sutera * Milk Whitening)
- 2.5 hrs
- Single Treatment: RM 170.00
Special Package : 5x RM750.00 & 10x RM 1300.00
+ Infra-red Sauna
+ Lulur DF Nusantara
+ Milk Scrub & Milk Massage
+ Milk Bath with Roses
+ Jacuzzi
+ Milk Lotion
Other Special DF Nusantara Spa Packages
• Package for Post Natal * a) Bonda Kasih Abadi RM480.00
(Malay Traditional After Birth Care)
Inclusive of;
* At new mother’s home (during confinement);
3 times of body massages by Malay traditional midwife at customer’s home.
This particular massage for new mothers incorporating ‘bersengkak’ (a traditional way to place the womb correctly). We will supply the 15 times Herbal bath from the selected natural herbs and a packet of Herbs drinks for the whole confinement supply. The massage is performed by our ACTUAL experience Mid-wife a.k.a 'bidan kampung'.
Also, the slimming & firming soaps of DFNSS will be given along with a gift for a new-born baby.
* At DF Nusantara Spa & Salon (after confinement);
~ 'Bertangas'
~ Infra-red sauna
~ Lulur Rempah/Herbal Body Scrub
~ Jacuzzi / Herbal Bath
~ Relaxing Lavender Facial
~ Pretty Nails Services
• Package for Post Natal * b) Ibu Kasih Sejati RM380.00
(Inclusive all of the above except for Relaxing Lavender Facial and Pretty Nails Services)
• Package for Couple Anniversary *, "Merpati Sejoli" RM300.00
(Inclusive of Manicure & pedicure, body massage, facial, ‘bertangas’,
Sauna and Mandi Bunga. Exclusive token from DF Nusantara Spa
& Salon will be given too)
~ Package price can be negotiated based on the desired services.
• Package for Kid’s Spa *, "Anakandaku Sayang" RM80.00
~ Recommended for girl 8-15 years old on her special day,
such as on her birthday or any special celebration.
~ Special treatment for her by the parents to make them feel special
and appreciated.
(Inclusive of hair wash, cut, blow, manicure & pedicure (Foot care) and
simple Facial wash & massage. Exclusive token from DF Nusantara Spa
& Salon will be given too.)
- Package for "Raja Sehari" * (Bride only) ..RM350.00
- (Inclusive of Facial Collagen @ Vit.C, Manicure & Padicure, Infra-red Sauna, Relaxing Body Massage, Body scrub Ratu, Mandi susu / Rawatan pemutihan badan)
**** Special 'Mandi Bunga' on the day after.
Special offer for only RM290 each treatment for 3 times bookings.
- Lite / Natural Make-up ..RM30.00
Suitable for Dinner/Functions, Kenduri, Majlis Bertunang, etc..
* only by reservation.
Specialty of being as a MEMBER @ DF Nusantara Spa
- Free FACIAL on your birthday ~ anually~
- Anyone with three (3) referrals who become our customers, is entitled for 1 free normal facial treatment.
- For our Top 3 frequent Customers & regular, will entitled to a mystery gift or services (tabulated on every 3 months).
- 10% discount on each services ( except during promotion and packages)
- Good News to all !!
Exclusive tokens to all our Loyal Customers!!!
Keep all the receipts / per visit, for our Lucky Draw (once a year). The grand prize will
be a trip to Bali for two persons and 3 will entitle to a mystery gifts or services.
. ..terms and conditions applied..(please come to our spa for more detail info ;)